Manuals:BXFbl:Radio Setup:Futaba SBUS/de: Difference between revisions

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Created page with "==SBUS / SBUS2 - nur Steuerung== Die Steuerung deines Hubschraubers mit SBUS/SBUS2 ist mit jedem der BEASTX-Systeme möglich. Verbinde den SBUS/SBUS2-Port deines Empfängers m..."
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==SBUS / SBUS2 - control only==
==SBUS / SBUS2 - nur Steuerung==
Using SBUS/SBUS2 to control your helicopter is possible with any of the BEASTX devices. Connect the SBUS/SBUS2 port of your receiver with the DI1 port of your BEASTX system using one of the provided standard servo wires.<br />
Die Steuerung deines Hubschraubers mit SBUS/SBUS2 ist mit jedem der BEASTX-Systeme möglich. Verbinde den SBUS/SBUS2-Port deines Empfängers mit dem DI1-Port deines BEASTX-Systems mithilfe eines der mitgelieferten Standard-Servokabel. <br />
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Revision as of 14:25, 21 May 2024

SBUS war eines der ersten seriellen Datenübertragungsprotokolle. Der Empfänger überträgt Steuersignale von der Fernsteuerung in Form von Datenpaketen, die das Flybarless-System decodieren und als Steuerbefehle verwenden kann. Dieses Protokoll ist so beliebt, dass es auch von anderen Herstellern verwendet wird, z. B. FRSKY, Orange, u.v.a. Du benötigst also kein Futaba-Funksystem, um SBUS zu verwenden. Beachte jedoch, dass die Kanalzuweisung deiner Fernsteuerung von der Futaba-Standardbelegung abweichen kann. In diesem Fall musst du später im BEASTX-Empfängermenü eine benutzerdefinierte Kanalzuweisung vornehmen.

SBUS2 ist der Nachfolger von SBUS. Grundsätzlich handelt es sich um dasselbe Protokoll wie SBUS, jedoch erweitert um die bidirektionale Telemetrie-Kommunikation. Mit den BEASTX-Systemen kannst du den SBUS2-Anschluss an denselben Anschluss wie SBUS anstecken. Das System akzeptiert dieses Signal ebenfalls. Mit MICROBEAST ULTRA kannst du die Vorteile der bidirektionalen Kommunikation nutzen. Hierbei musst du das SBUS2-Signal an einen der bidirektionalen Ports anschließen: DI2 oder SYS.


SBUS / SBUS2 Anschlussoptionen
Signal Port Telemetrie
SBUS DI1 nein
SBUS2 DI1 nein
SBUS2 DI2 ja (nur MB ULTRA)

SBUS / SBUS2 - nur Steuerung

Die Steuerung deines Hubschraubers mit SBUS/SBUS2 ist mit jedem der BEASTX-Systeme möglich. Verbinde den SBUS/SBUS2-Port deines Empfängers mit dem DI1-Port deines BEASTX-Systems mithilfe eines der mitgelieferten Standard-Servokabel.

(Picture MBPLUS)

(Picture Nanobeast)

The ESC or throttle servo is connected at CH5 / IO2 output on MICROBEAST PLUS / ULTRA. NANOBEAST uses the port CH1 for the throttle.

(Picture MBPLUS)

(Picture Nanobeast)

SBUS2 - control and telemetry

For bi-directional telemetry connect your SBUS2 signal wire either to the SYS port or to the DI2 port of your MICROBEAST ULTRA. In both cases it is mandatory to add a pull-down 4,7kOhm resistor between signal line and ground (minus). When using the DI2 port, also you need an adapter from standard servo connector to 5-pin JST as shown below.

(Picture Resistor)
(Picture SYS)

(Picture Resistor)
(Picture DI2)

The ESC or throttle servo is connected at IO1 port. If needed the telemetry data line from the ESC is connected to the IO2 port.

Radio setup


BEASTX setup

In order to use your SBUS / SBUS2 receiver you have to scan the input type in the RECEIVER MENU of your BEASTX device and set the correct channel ordering for your radio system.

SBUS / SBUS2 default channel order
Channel Function
CH1 Roll / Aileron
CH2 Pitch / Elevator
CH3 Throttle
CH4 Rudder
CH5 Gain
CH6 Thrust / Collective
CH7 AttitudeControl (optional)
CH8 Governor (optional)
CH9 Aux channel (optional)

(The optional functions are described in the section Optional features.)


Push and hold the button on your MICROBEAST and power up the device. Menu LED A will flash instantly. Now release the button. Push again to start the scan process. When scan was successful, Menu LED B will show up. Now push and hold the button for 2 seconds and release in order to load the default channel assignments. If needed you can set up your telemetry devices at Menu LEDs L & M, if applicable; push button briefly to skip. Finally teach throttle failsafe position at Menu LED N by bringing the throttle in lowest position on your radio and push the button again. Now your MICROBEAST will start with init sequence. For further information about RECEIVER MENU setup, see next section. Then perform basic setup procedure in SETUP MENU.


Power up NANOBEAST. Then connect the push button to SYS port. Push and hold the button for 2 seconds, then release. The Status LED will change color or go off. Push the button again to start the scan process. When scan was successful, the Status LED will flash twice. Now push and hold the button for 2 seconds and release in order to load the default channel assignments. If needed you can set up your telemetry devices at Menus L & M, if applicable (Menu L = Status LED flashes long once and then 5 times, for Menu L 6 times); push button briefly to skip. Finally teach throttle failsafe position at Menu N (Status LED flashes long once and then 7 times) by bringing the throttle in lowest position on your radio and push the button again. Now your NANOBEAST will start with init sequence. For further information about RECEIVER MENU setup, see next section. Then perform basic setup procedure in SETUP MENU.

Setup with StudioX

You can also use the StudioX app to start receiver scan and perform further setup steps. In this case open the Control menu in StudioX and click the SCAN button in this menu's screen. For further informations please refer to the StudioX instruction notes. Please note that when the SBUS2 receiver is connected to SYS port on MICROBEAST ULTRA, you must connect the BLE2SYS / USB2SYS adapter at the DI2 port using the optional adapter from standard servo connector to 5-pin JST.

(Picture sys adapter!)