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The MICROBEAST PLUS AttitudeControl uses gyro sensors and accelerometers to build up the artificial horizon which is necessary to determine the heli's absolute position in space. This artificial horizon is highly dependant on the sensor data input and if the sensors fail, also the artificial horizon will. The sensors can especially be influenced by vibrations which cause them to show wrong data or loose some data at all. This will cause wrong calculations and in consequence cause a wrong repositioning of the heli. The gyro sensors of MICROBEAST PLUS typically are very vibration resistant and you might not see the influence of vibrations in normal flight without AttitudeControl. But as the calculation of the artificial horizon mainly is a big sum of all the sensor inputs over time, even the smallest influence can cause an offset of the system. Additionaly the accelerometers are much more sensitive to vibrations than the gyro sensors. As these are not used in normal flight most of the time, you will not see a direct influence of vibrations on them. But for the AttitudeControl these sensors have an important role and the system can only work with limited capability if these sensors fail.<br />
The MICROBEAST PLUS AttitudeControl uses gyro sensors and accelerometers to build up the artificial horizon which is necessary to determine the heli's absolute position in space. This artificial horizon is highly dependant on the sensor data input and if the sensors fail, also the artificial horizon will. The sensors can especially be influenced by vibrations which cause them to show wrong data or loose some data at all. This will cause wrong calculations and in consequence cause a wrong repositioning of the heli. The gyro sensors of MICROBEAST PLUS typically are very vibration resistant and you might not see the influence of vibrations in normal flight without AttitudeControl. But as the calculation of the artificial horizon mainly is a big sum of all the sensor inputs over time, even the smallest influence can cause an offset of the system. Additionaly the accelerometers are much more sensitive to vibrations than the gyro sensors. As these are not used in normal flight most of the time, you will not see a direct influence of vibrations on them. But for the AttitudeControl these sensors have an important role and the system can only work with limited capability if these sensors fail.<br />
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So when you have problems with correct centering of the AttitudeControl, especially even after a very short amount of flight time please make sure your helicopter is running smooth and absolutely free of vibrations. Especially with very small electric helis this is sometimes a difficult task, as there is not much mass to compensate for the vibrations and all electric components are placed very close to each other. If you see or hear any abnormalities like twitching tail or loud, vibrant noise it is very likely the AttitudeControl will not work as expected. You may try to place the Microbeast PLUS unit at a different location on the heli or mount it with a different sort of gyro pad to compensate for those vibrations. Anyhow the best solution is to find the source of vibration, i.e. by removing tail and main blades and letting the motor run on the ground, and change defective/unbalanced parts.<br />
So when you have problems with correct centering of the AttitudeControl (especially after a very short amount of flight time) please make sure your helicopter is running smooth and absolutely free of vibrations. Particularly with very small electric helis this is sometimes a difficult task, as there is not much mass to compensate for the vibrations and all electric components are placed very close to each other. If you see or hear any abnormalities like twitching tail or loud, vibrant noise it is very likely the AttitudeControl will not work as expected. You may try to place the Microbeast PLUS unit at a different location on the heli or mount it with a different sort of gyro pad to compensate for those vibrations. Anyhow the best solution is to find the source of vibration, i.e. by removing tail and main blades and letting the motor run on the ground, and change defective/unbalanced parts.<br />
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Also high temperature changes can cause the sensors to drift and in consequence cause the artificial horizon get offset. Especially when it's cold outside or very hot make sure the system can acclimatize when moving the helicopter from warm to cold or from cold to warm. When there are still some very small vibrations the system will not recalibrate very often and so the horizon may not wander off by vibrations directly but due to temperature change. Under typical conditions the drift is minimal and during a 5 minutes flight the artificial horizon should not wander off more than a few degrees into one or another direction.
Also high temperature changes can cause the sensors to drift and in consequence cause the artificial horizon get offset. When it's very cold outside or very hot make sure the system can acclimatize when moving the helicopter from warm to cold or from cold to warm. When there are still some very small vibrations the system will not recalibrate very often and so the horizon may not wander off by vibrations directly but due to temperature change. Even under this conditions typically the drift should be minimal and during a 5 minutes flight the artificial horizon should not wander off more than a few degrees into one or another direction.

Revision as of 10:09, 12 March 2015

Woher bekomme ich die MICROBEAST PLUS ProEdition Zusatzanleitung?

StudioX V2 bietet die Möglichkeit sämtliche Anleitungen anzuzeigen, die für Ihr BEASTX Gerät relevant sind. Somit können wir Sie automatisch immer mit den aktuellsten Anleitungen versorgen. Um die verfügbaren Anleitungen sehen zu können müssen Sie Ihr BEASTX Gerät an den Computer anschließen und sich über StudioX im freakware Network einloggen. Alle Anleitungen erscheinen dann auf der Startseite zum Download:

StudioX in der Version 2 können Sie hier herunterladen: StudioX 2.0 zur Voransicht

Wie bekomme ich das Upgrade auf Version 4.x.x. ProEdition mit Drehzahlregler und Rettungsfunktion (AttitudeControl)?

Um das Upgrade für Ihr MICROBEAST PLUS herunterladen zu können benötigen Sie die aktuelle Version 2.0 von StudioX. Mit dieser können Sie sich im freakware Network einloggen und Ihr MICROBEAST PLUS registrieren. StudioX Version 2 bekommen Sie hier: StudioX 2.0 zur Voransicht

Bitte beachten Sie, dass es sich bei der Version 4.x.x ProEdition um ein Upgrade handelt, nicht um ein Update.
Das bedeutet, dass das Gerät wesentlich im Funktionsumfang erweitert wird und dass dieses Upgrade daher
kostenpflichtig ist. Reguläre Updates bleiben hingegen auch weiterhin für sämtliche Geräte kostenlos.

Nach dem Update von Version 3.x.x auf Version 4.x.x. geht das Pitch nur noch in eine Richtung

Muss ich jetzt einen Werksreset machen und alles neu einstellen?
Da Version 4.x.x die Möglichkeit einer pitchgesteuerten rettungsfunktion bietet, müssen die Richtungen des Pitchsteuerknüppels eingelernt werden. Die Version 3.x.x verfügte noch nicht über diesen Parameter, daher muss nach dem Update unbedingt das kollektive Pitch bei Setupmenü Einstellpunkt K neu eingestellt werden. Wenn Sie das nicht machen, fehlen einige wichtige Werte im Gerät und daher funktioniert das Pitch nach dem Update nicht korrekt. Bitte lesen Sie die ProEdition Zusatzanleitung sehr sorgfältig. Es gibt noch weiter neue Parameter, die nach dem Update unbedingt eingestellt werden müssen. Bei MICROBEAST PLUS wurde extra darauf geachtet, dass die Einstellungen nach Updates nicht verloren gehen und das System nach einem Update nicht von Grund auf neu eingestellt werden muss. Nur neue oder funktional veränderte Parameter müssen neu eingestellt werden.

Die Rettungsfunktion(AttitudeControl) lässt sich nicht über den Sender einschalten, obwohl ich bei Parametermenü Einstellpunkt M einen der angebotenen Modi angewählt habe

Bei Verwendung eines Singleline Empfängers ist es unbedingt notwendig, dass sie wenigstens einmal im Empfänger Einstellmenü den Schaltkanal für die AttitudeControl zuweisen, entweder indem Sie den gewünschten Schalter bei Empfängermenü Einstellpunkt J betätigen oder die entsprechende Standardbelegung laden, oder indem Sie Einstellpunkt J überspringen um den Kanal der Heckkeiselempfindlichkeit auch für die AttitudeControl zu verwenden.
Auch wenn Sie einen Standardempfänger verwenden müssen Sie das Empfänger Einstellmenü aufrufen und die Auswahl des Standardempfängers durch Tastendruck bestätigen. Nur so wird die spezielle Kanalzuweisung Heckkreiselempfindlichkeit<->AttitudeControl gesetzt und abgespeichert.

Bitte denken Sie daran, dass aus Sicherheitsgründen die AttitudeControl und die Drehzahlreglerfunktion
deaktiviert werden, wenn die Einstellung im Empfängermenü neu durchgeführt wurde. Sie müssen also nach der
Einstellung des Schaltkanals für die AttitudeControl auf jeden Fall nochmals Parametermenü Einstellpunkt M
aufrufen und dort den gewünschten AttitudeControl Modus auswählen.

AttitudeControl does not level my helicopter perfectly

On the ground everything seems perfect and even the first time I switch on AttitudeControl in flight on the helis levels ok. But after some time the heli is (extremely) tilted to the side when I switch on AttitudeControl again.

The MICROBEAST PLUS AttitudeControl uses gyro sensors and accelerometers to build up the artificial horizon which is necessary to determine the heli's absolute position in space. This artificial horizon is highly dependant on the sensor data input and if the sensors fail, also the artificial horizon will. The sensors can especially be influenced by vibrations which cause them to show wrong data or loose some data at all. This will cause wrong calculations and in consequence cause a wrong repositioning of the heli. The gyro sensors of MICROBEAST PLUS typically are very vibration resistant and you might not see the influence of vibrations in normal flight without AttitudeControl. But as the calculation of the artificial horizon mainly is a big sum of all the sensor inputs over time, even the smallest influence can cause an offset of the system. Additionaly the accelerometers are much more sensitive to vibrations than the gyro sensors. As these are not used in normal flight most of the time, you will not see a direct influence of vibrations on them. But for the AttitudeControl these sensors have an important role and the system can only work with limited capability if these sensors fail.

So when you have problems with correct centering of the AttitudeControl (especially after a very short amount of flight time) please make sure your helicopter is running smooth and absolutely free of vibrations. Particularly with very small electric helis this is sometimes a difficult task, as there is not much mass to compensate for the vibrations and all electric components are placed very close to each other. If you see or hear any abnormalities like twitching tail or loud, vibrant noise it is very likely the AttitudeControl will not work as expected. You may try to place the Microbeast PLUS unit at a different location on the heli or mount it with a different sort of gyro pad to compensate for those vibrations. Anyhow the best solution is to find the source of vibration, i.e. by removing tail and main blades and letting the motor run on the ground, and change defective/unbalanced parts.

Also high temperature changes can cause the sensors to drift and in consequence cause the artificial horizon get offset. When it's very cold outside or very hot make sure the system can acclimatize when moving the helicopter from warm to cold or from cold to warm. When there are still some very small vibrations the system will not recalibrate very often and so the horizon may not wander off by vibrations directly but due to temperature change. Even under this conditions typically the drift should be minimal and during a 5 minutes flight the artificial horizon should not wander off more than a few degrees into one or another direction.