SETUP MENU L - Servo limit

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At SETUP MENU point L we can limit the servo movement so that they will not come out of the possible range of action and cause jamming of the linkages or swashplate. Ideally we want to limit as less as possible, so that the system can control the helicopter without any restrictions. For the ease of use, the limiting is only one value to adjust but which will affect all servos and all possible positions at once, especially when steering into the corners. So when adjusting the limit you move pitch, aileron and elevator all at once and into all possible positions and check if there is some point where the servos get jammed. Then you set the limit so that there is just no binding at any point.

The color of the Status LED gives some indication whether you rotorhead geometry is well suited for flybarless usage or not. Ideally the Status LED on the device should be blue after you've adjusted the limit properly. If it isn't, this means your servos do not make very large deflections and probably you do not have very much cyclic pitch left in the extreme positions. This can for example cause pitching up when flying with high speed and lots of collective input, inprecise flying in general or it can cause you heli not to have equal rotations rates, accelerate slowly or not being able to reach high rotation rates at all.

Status-LED Servo limit
purple not good
red OK
blue perfect!

  • Always try to give the system as much servo throw as possible and limit as less as possible. Do not use the limit to adjust the pitch or rates or similar, this is not what it is it used for!
  • When changing the collective pitch later this may affect the cyclic limit, so don't forget to check and readjust the limit when you do any changes to the collective.

Adjustment on the device

At SETUP MENU point L carefully move pitch, aileron and elevator all at once and into all possible positions and check if there is some point where the servos get jammed. By rudder stick input you can increase/decrease the amount of maximum servo throw/servo limit (left = decrease throw, right = increase throw). Make sure the throw is as high as possible.

Setup with StudioX

To activate the servo limit adjustments click the Adjust button in the corresponding table row (when using the Wizard function this will be done automatically when you click the Next button after adjusting Menu Point K).


Carefully move pitch, aileron and elevator all at once and into all possible positions and check if there is some point where the servos get jammed. Increase/decrease the amount of maximum servo throw/servo limit in the software. Make sure the value is as high as possible.

Setup with StudioXm

Carefully move pitch, aileron and elevator all at once and into all possible positions and check if there is some point where the servos get jammed. Increase/decrease the amount of maximum servo throw/servo limit by using the + and - buttons and the dial. Make sure the value is as high as possible.
