Receiver setup menu point A

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At Receiver setup menu point A color and state of the Status-LED give you information about which type of receiver/transmission protocol is currently selected. In order to change the type, press and hold the button for about 2 seconds. The Status-LED will light in the next color and flash eventually. Repeat this as many times as required until the Status-LED matches your receiver type/transmission protocol:


Status-LED Receiver type/Transmission protocol
off Standard receiver
purple flashing Single JR® RJ01 DMSS satellite
purple Single Spektrum® satellite
red flashing Futaba® S-BUS
red SRXL
blue flashing PPM composite signal


  • Standard receiver is any receiver that is connected to MICROBEAST PLUS using the standard servo output ports on the receiver and connecting these to the function input ports on MICROBEAST PLUS using the five connection cables. Also see the topic Receiver installation.
  • Choose Single JR® RJ01 DMSS satellite only when you have connected a JR® RJ01 DMSS satellite directly to the [DI1] port of MICROBEAST PLUS using the optional available satellite adapter (Order Nr. BXA76009). If using a conventional JR® receiver that is connected with multiple wires to MICROBEAST PLUS please select option Standard receiver.
  • Choose Single Spektrum® satellite only when you have connected one single Spektrum® remote satellite directly to the [DI1] port of MICROBEAST PLUS using the optional available Satellite adapter (Order Nr. BXA76009). If using a conventional Spektrum® receiver that is connected with multiple wires to MICROBEAST PLUS please select option Standard receiver.
  • When using the S-Bus signal of a Futaba® S-BUS receiver make sure the signal output of the receiver is setup correctly. Newer Futaba® receivers allow to configure the signal outputs differently and also may have different ports for S-Bus2 and S-Bus1. In this case make sure to use the S-Bus1 signal!
  • SRXL is a data format that is used by different manufacturers of radio systems and that is sometimes designated differently. Please see this site for further information. Choose SRXL when using the single-line signal of one of the following receivers: JETI receivers with UDI serial output mode (not PPM), JR receivers with XBUS Mode B output, Multiplex M-Link receivers with SRXL output, BEASTRX receivers with SRXL output, GRAUPNER HOTT receivers with SUMD output (not SUMO!), Spektrum AR9020 receivers with SRXL output (only with special MICROBEAST PLUS firmware!)
  • PPM composite signal is used for receivers with analog sum signal output. Here the analog servo position data is simply transferred in one long chain of servo pulses. Note that depending on the number of transferred channels this chaining process can cause the transfer take more time than when processing data from the single servo outputs in Standard receiver configuration. Therefore it is not recommended to use such configuration as the control might feel delayed. If the receiver allows to switch between different modes better use a digital sum signal like SRXL or S-Bus. Exemplary the following receivers send out a PPM composite signal: JETI receivers with PPM serial output mode, robbe/Futaba® R6007/R6107 receivers, Graupner HOTT receivers with SUMO output mode.


Press the button, but only briefly, to save the setup and switch to Receiver setup menu point B (the yellow Menu-LED B will flash) in case you selected a single-line receiver. If the selected receiver type is “Standard” the setup is finished now and briefly pushing the button will complete receiver setup (all LEDs flashing). Channel assignment (Menu point B and following) is not necessary and not provided since the allocation takes place by appropriate insertion of the cables into the receiver's servo output ports.

If you have already briefly pressed the button by mistake and it did not change the receiver type but switch to Menu point B or end of menu, then simply switch off power and repeat the above procedure.