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The first menu point of the PARAMETER MENU gives you the possibility to quickly adjust swashplate and rudder trim on the flying field. This may be neccessary when your helicopter slowly drifts in hovering flight or when it doesn’t climb out straight on sudden collective pitch inputs. Additionaly when using the AttitudeControl feature (only included in PROEDITION firmware upgrade) you may trim the reference point of the artificial horizon in case the heli does not level perfectly when AttitudeControl stabilization is active.<br />
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'''Please note that the Quick Trim is a global parameter.''' When you use the Bank Switching feature the values you set here will be used in any flight mode. Separate trimming for each flight mode is not provided as we think it's not necessary.<br />
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{{WARNING_QUOTE|'''Never use the trim functions of your remote control!''' MICROBEAST ULTRA will see trim as a control command to turn the heli and not as servo trim. So using the trim on your transmitter will result in a constant rotational movement (if you feel you have such effect even when sticks are perfectly centered and all trims are zero, it may be necessary to increase the Stick Deadband at PARAMETER MENU point E!)}}<br />
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