SETUPMENÜ H - Servolaufrichtungen Taumelscheibe

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At SETUP MENU point H move the collective pitch on the transmitter and adjust the servo directions so that all servos are moving the swashplate up and down together (the other functions are disabled here, as they are not of interest at this setup step!). After adjusting servo directions make sure that the pitch direction is correct! You can either do this by setting the servo directions correctly right from the beginning or by changing the direction of the pitch channel in the transmitter later.

Please note: Usually you can not reverse the servos with the servo reverse function of your transmitter! The transmitter only controls the functions of MICROBEAST PLUS, not the servos! Reversing a channel in the transmitter will only reverse the control function in total. There is one exception: with mechanical mixing (mCCPM) each servo is controling one function, so actually here you can reverse the servos be reversing the sticks/functions in the transmitter, too. Because of this, the servo reversing in MICROBEAST PLUS is not necessary and not provided when using the mCCPM swash type! SETUP MENU point H will be skipped in this case.

Adjustment on the device

By tapping the rudder stick you can select one servo after another. Every color of the Status-LED is corresponding to a specific servo channel that is indicating its selection by a short up and down move. (You can switch back and forth between the servos as often as you need.) When you tap the aileron stick once, the selected servo will reverse its direction.

Status-LED Servo reverse
purple CH1 – elevator servo
red CH2 – aileron(1) servo
blue CH3 – aileron(2)
red/blue CH7 – elevator servo(2) (90° eCCPM only)

Setup with StudioXm

When the adjustment screen appears, set servo direction for each servo as necessary and make sure the pitch is moving correctly as described above.
