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==Setting Bank Switching with StudioX==
Choose the tab "Parameter (1)" and click the button "Activate" once, next to where it says "Bank Switching". It can take some short amount of time until the data is updated, then the adjustments for the gains as well as the tabs "Parameter (2)" and "Parameter (3)" will be unlocked. On the status bar at the bottom you can see that the gyro gain indicator changes into a flightmode/bank indicator. The button text also has changed to "Deactivate" now (if you click it again bank switching will be disabled and everything as decribed above will be rolled back).<br />
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When you've set a separate control channel for the AttitudeControl function in "Control setup" you will see the message "AttitudeControl uses separate channel" at the bottom, next to the AttitudeControl gain adjustment. The adjustment will be locked in this case as you will still be able to separately activate/deactivate the AttitudeControl using your additional switch channel. Only you can use Bank Switching then to change between different rescue modes in flight. On the other hand when you did not assign a separate channel for the AttitudeControl, you can set the AttitudeControl gain for each bank/flight mode and use the Banks/flight modes to activate/deactivate the rescue in flight. Note that AttitudeControl will enable when the gain is higher than 12! Check the status bar at the bottom or the display on the device to see when AttitudeControl is activated or not!
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