Translations:Manuals:BXFbl:Receiver M/17/en

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Telemetry input
At Menu Point M you can choose the type of ESC/signal source as telemetry data input. Usually the ESC data line that is connected at [CH5] / [IO2] port at MICROBEAST PLUS / ULTRA.

When using a CRFS or SBUS receiver the data line must be connected at the [SAT] port at the side of MICROBEAST PLUS / ULTRA as the receiver is connected to [CH5] / [IO2]. The telemetry output line going back to the receiver can either be CRSF or FRSky S.Port connected at [SYS].

Using NANOBEAST the ESC telemetery is always connected to [SAT] port.
To select the ESC/telemetry data source at Menu Point M, move the rudder stick repeatedly in one direction until the Status LED lights in the correct color: