Translations:Manuals:MBPlusFblV5:Radio System/2/en

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Preparing the transmitter

You can use nearly any transmitter that provides at least 6 channels. By default 5 channels are used for controlling MICROBEAST PLUS and one channel controls the motor. If using additional features like AttitudeControl or RPM Governor a receiver with single wire output and more channels may be useful to have, but this is not a must.

  • Create a new model in your radio‘s model memory.

  • Never enable your radio‘s eCCPM mixing function! Disable any mixing functions for the swashplate or rudder. Each function should be assigned to just one receiver channel. All the swashplate mixing will be done by MICROBEAST PLUS. Set your radio‘s swash mixer to mCCPM (mechanical mixing) which is often called “H1”, “1 servo” or “normal“ mixing or disable “swash mixing” if applicable.

  • Be sure that all trims and sub trims are disabled and that all servo travels are set to 100% in any flight mode. There mustn't be any active mixing functions (for example rudder revo-mixing). Have a look at the radio’s servo monitor: each stick has to control one channel/servo output (except for thrust stick which typically controls collective pitch and motor). Note when using MICROBEAST PLUS you do not directly control the servos of the helicopter. By moving a stick you give a control command to the system which then performs the necessary servo movements to move the helictoper in the commanded direction. Each control command is bound to one servo output channel of the transmitter.

  • Also do not adjust the collective pitch curve at the moment. For the setup procedures it has to be set as a straight line reaching from -100% to +100% (or 0 to 100% depending on radio brand).

  • Other functions such as throttle curves, ESC switches or auxiliary functions can be adjusted as usual. But especially for the throttle make sure you can disable the throttle channel and separate it from the collective stick movement for performing the setup. You can do this by using the HOLD switch on the radio or by setting the throttle curve to a flat 0% line. Also it is advisable to create different flight modes for different flight states/rotor headspeeds.

Make sure that the motor in electric models can not start when doing the adjustment work! If the drive battery is used as power supply for receiver, servos and MICROBEAST PLUS disconnect the motor from the ESC.